Climate Change Stripes
Global temperature measurements in color, 1850-2018 (credit: Ed Hawkins)
Climate change can be now seen in colors. Research meteorologist Ed Hawkins at the University of Reading in the UK has developed a visual way of representing temperature measurements. Hawkins had previously created a time-line of global temperature data from 1850 to 2017 by animating the recorded measurements.
The American Geophysical Union (AGU) has declared:
there are only three things that affect the Earth’s temperature: incoming solar radiation; the reflectivity (albedo) of the planet (or how much incoming energy gets immediately reflected back into space, sometimes influenced by volcanoes, ice sheets, or air pollution that can occasionally cool the planet); and greenhouse gases.

Climate stripes lapel pin (credit: the AGU)
Data can be visualized and Hawkins 'climate stripes' pins could soon be seen everywhere. It would be nice if the TV 'weather-tainers' wore one on their lapels as they read the nightly weather news.