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Riled Up is a journal of science, the environment, exploration, new technology, and related commentary.  Contributors include scientists, explorers, engineers, and others who provide perspectives and context not typically offered in general news circulation.  For interested readers, additional resources are included.

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Conservation and Conservatives

Conservation and Conservatives

Wildlife conservation stamps, 1956 (credit: US Postal Office)

“You’re worried about what man has done and is doing to this magical planet that God gave us, and I share your concern. What is a conservative after all, but one who conserves?” — Pres. Ronald Reagan

Republican presidents from Teddy Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, to George W. Bush left fine environmental legacies to celebrate: Roosevelt for the Forest Service, National Park Service, and Antiquities Act; Nixon the Clean Air, Water, and Endangered Species Acts; and Bush for marine protected areas in the Pacific Ocean.

What are the chances for similar initiatives today? A group calling themselves Conservatives for Responsible Stewardship (CRS) think it is possible. Here's hope so. WHB

The GOP and Climate Change (credit: CRS)


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