Conservation Photographers
Dwarf Minke Whale making eye contact, Great Barrier Reef, Australia (credit; Pam Osborn)
Occasional contributors Wayne & Pam Osborn are wildlife investigators and master photographers from Australia. They focus much of their attention to documenting whales, their habitats, and developing maps which help in the design of marine protected areas. These efforts have provided valuable information for the recovery of whale populations, their migration patterns, and their general conservation status around Australia and elsewhere.
The Osborn's represent a new face of conservation where dedicated individuals provide useful photographic records that assists over-stretched marine researchers and marine park managers. The role of international dive tour companies and organizations also assist in such conservation efforts. A summary of the Osborn's efforts was published as: Whale Photography for Conservation and Research

Sperm Whale formation, Azores (credit: Wayne Osborn)
You can read about other wildlife, exploration, and conservation projects undertaken in Australia and globally by the Osborn's here: Whales, Wildlife, & Wilderness . WHB