Reminders of Earth Day should be every day.
By Reilly Capps
It's Good Friday as well as Earth Day, and there's a story in the Bible from the week before Jesus is hung on the cross. It's a week full of action, when he threw the money changers out of the temple and gave the sermon on the mount. And, for some reason, he stopped to kill something for no good reason. The story goes like this:
From a distance, Jesus spots a fig tree. He walks over to it and sees that there are no figs hanging from its branches. Jesus addresses it, and ...
We are reminded that Earth Day is today. Two examples illustrate the meaning of this day.
Established in 1970, Earth Day was originally intended "to inspire awareness and appreciation of the Earth's natural environment". This was a worthy objective considering our dependence on the natural ecosystems that sustain us all. Today is also the first anniversary of the explosion/sinking of the Deep Water Horizon drilling platform that resulted in one of the biggest oil spills ever. This ...