Saw a billboard today saying the world will end on May 21. These folks -- Family Radio -- guarantee it, via infallible proofs. One proof is that 2011 is EXACTLY 7,000 years since the Great Flood, and "a day is like a thousand years to the Lord," and since it took the Lord a week to create the world he'll destroy it after seven days ... i.e. 7,000 years.
So, see you! Been nice knowing you!
The Washington Post is even covering this prediction of the end of the world. And Richard Dawkins ...
By Reilly Capps
It's Good Friday as well as Earth Day, and there's a story in the Bible from the week before Jesus is hung on the cross. It's a week full of action, when he threw the money changers out of the temple and gave the sermon on the mount. And, for some reason, he stopped to kill something for no good reason. The story goes like this:
From a distance, Jesus spots a fig tree. He walks over to it and sees that there are no figs hanging from its branches. Jesus addresses it, and ...