Silver Wattle
Silver Wattle graphic illustration (credit: Public Domain)
Silver Wattle (Acacia dealbata) is an Australian tree that ranges across the island continent's eastern states of New South Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania. The tree has been widely planted in Mediterranean climates, warm temperate locations, and the tropical highlands around the world.
Wattle Day is held to celebrate these diverse, important, and beautiful native plants. The designated day offers a diversity of educational programs, public outreach efforts, and parades.
The Silver Wattle is just one species in a genus of over 950 diverse Australian species only found there. New Acacia species continue to be discovered. The Silver Wattle produces golden flowers with a perfume that can fill a landscape or garden from overflowing bunches. In some places where it has been planted outside its native Australia, such as in East Africa, it has become an invasive weed and difficult to control with its copious seed production.
A macro-photograph of a Silver Wattle bud and the tree's blooming branches provide size comparisons. WHB

Silver Wattle bud as seen by macro-photography (credit: Patrick Kavanagh)

Silver Wattle tree in bloom, (credit: Etsy)