Coronal mass ejections from the Sun.
79 moons and still counting.
The European Space Organization announced the new discovery of 50 more extra solar planets including one planet within the temperate zone of its star. The planet could potentially support life but nothing quite like we know it.
[caption id="attachment_7484" align="aligncenter" width="825" caption="Exoplanet within habitable zone (credit: concept image)"][/caption]
The newly exoplanet is designated as HD-85512b, weighs in at nearly 4 times the mass of Earth, is estimated to be hot and ...
The Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy are on a collision course. Andromeda --the only galaxy that can be seen with the naked eye --is on a course to collide with us billions of years from now. If you ever wondered what colliding galaxies might look like, check out this Hubble photo:
[caption id="attachment_7086" align="aligncenter" width="575" caption="Colliding galaxies (credit: NASA)"][/caption]
De Beers is the world's largest producer and marketer of diamonds. Couples planning to get married typically come in contact with the Company. A planetary discovery has just been made that must have the diamond cutters at De Beers pulling out their star charts.
Using the famous Parkes radio telescope in Australia. an exotic object has been discovered that seems to be made of pure diamond closely circling a pulsar. The new planet is super-dense, consists largely of molecular carbon and ...
It has always been puzzling why the Moon's face directed towards Earth and the one we never see are so totally different. One is mostly flat with craters while the other is mountainous. A new study published from research by USA and UK astronomers now proposes an answer. Early in its evolution-- maybe 4 billion years ago when the Moon was still forming from a collision between the Earth and a Mars size planet --a second, smaller rocky mass came together in a slow-motion splat to form the ...
Uranus in the outer solar system has a very strange moon, Miranda. Besides being large for a moon circling a gas planet, it has a massive cliff-- Verona Rupes --that defies imagination.
Verona Rupes is estimated to be 20 kilometers deep or high depending on your perspective, ten times the depth of the Grand Canyon in Arizona. How the massive escapement was created remains unknown but perhaps resulted from a large impact event or tectonic motions of the moon's crust.
This image of ...