As Riled Up noted previously, a carmageddon was expected to descend upon poor Los Angeles from July 15-18. However, according to the LA Times, it hasn't been as apocalyptic as predicted for Angelenos.
[caption id="attachment_5693" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="I-495 closure in Los Angeles (photo credit: LA Times)"][/caption]
For all the fear and trepidation preceding the closure of 10 miles of the I-405 Freeway, city officials said early Saturday, "Great job Los Angeles," ...
LA is always taking abuse from somewhere. In films like 2012 and Battle Los Angeles, my hometown was insulted by earthquakes that swallowed Santa Monica and alien robots that took over the downtown causing havoc. However, this is nothing compared to what is coming if a massive "carmageddon" descends upon the City of Angels when the I-405 freeway is closed for much needed repairs.
[caption id="attachment_5216" align="aligncenter" width="639" caption="Los Angeles destroyed source: 2012 ...