A 21st Century clipper ship sails away.
The digital known universe.
Wows for images from Pluto, again.
Data visualized four decades ago.
It's all about teams now.
A shade screen for a telescope.
GOES constantly gathers environmental data.
Georgia O'Keefe famously liked to paint the canyons and deserts of the West. Her early 20th Century images of New Mexico are now considered national treasures.
[caption id="attachment_5831" align="aligncenter" width="610" caption="Georgia O'Keefe with desert abstract paining (source: 1918 file photo)"][/caption]
Who would have expected the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's (JPL) HiRise robot camera to be able to approximate the painters "eye" while orbiting Mars at the beginning of the ...
Today is Neptune's birthday. It only gets a birthday once every 164 years, since that how long it takes to orbit the sun.
That's what a birthday is, after all. Once around our big ball of fire.
Neptune, one of the Solar System's gas giants has just completed its only orbit around the sun since being discovered in 1846.
The Hubble Space Telescope captured these fine, new, celebratory photos of the blue-green planet:
[caption id="attachment_5569" align="aligncenter" width="575" ...