Comparing Earth and Mars
Using continuous imagery that has been acquired from Mars, striking geologic comparisons between Martian and Earth landscapes are now possible. In one example, NASA illustrated this by comparing pairs of remote sensing images of similar features on the two planets. One pair of photos clearly shows rock structures thrusting from the flat, dry, landscapes of northwestern New Mexico and also from a wide Martian plain.
Protruding from the New Mexican desert is the extinct, volcanic spire of Shiprock, a lava 'plug' that hardened in place and the volcanic sides eroded away. It was compared to a Martian desert landscape photographed by a satellite, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter with its HiRise camera. Early volcanic activity on Mars created similar razor-like, shapes visible as virtical, triangular walls similar to those seen in New Mexico.

Volcanic Geology, Mars, 4-9-2010 (credit: JPL MRO) & Shiprock, New Mexico, 4-12-2017 (credit: Landsat-8)
A short video offers other distinct comparisons and and differences between the two worlds.
Monitoring of Mars from satellites and data gathered by on-the-ground rovers will continue to providing further geologic and other information on the Red Planet next door. WHB