Discussing the future with Elon Musk.
A solar energy revolution rolls-on.
Tesla project powers an island.
Three natural ingredients to produce renewable electricity.
Practical technology and design exists to tackle climate change now.
Solar power from artificial plants? Perhaps!
Australia is ofter called "the sunbaked land" and not without good reason. The sun shines almost all the time on the island continent. Not surprisingly, the Aussies have been solar energy pioneers but their latest development is really pushing the envelope of generating applications from the sun. Solar energy researchers from the Australian National University have just developed a light-weight solar vest for soldiers.
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Making solar power readily available for car and truck transportation is a big challenge. With an investment from Google Ventures, an important step has been taken by SolarCity, a leading provider of solar energy for homes, businesses and non-profit organizations. Zero emissions is their goal for electric vehicles that will emit no CO2 from the vehicle's tailpipe.
Wired Magazine reports that the Company has installed the first solar recharging stations of the thousands that will be ...
Legend has it that Icarus needed to escape capture by the Minoans of Crete so his father-- the master craftsman, Daedalus --built him a set of wings of feathers and wax and Icarus flew away like a god. Sadly, Icarus got cocky, flew to close to the sun, the wax melted, and he fell to his death. Perhaps if Icarus had been able to strap on solar cells for wings, his early attempt at flight might have turned out more successfully.
The master craftsmen at NASA have demonstrated that potential ...
Sometimes scientific and engineering discoveries can seem more like magic than the products of disciplined investigations.
Nothing could be closer to this than the results announced by materials researchers at MIT. They have just produced photovoltaic (PV) cells printed directly onto special copy paper like you would find in any office printer. The result produced is Paper power, you might say.
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